Lie algebroid and algebraic foliation are two natural algebraic analogues of foliation in differential geometry, which are nevertheless not equivalent without smooth condition. In this project, we disregard this disharmony from the perspective derived algebraic geometry and ∞-categories. One possible interpretation is that a nice filtration on the dg-algebra of de Rham cohomology encodes a family of fomral deformations (along the leaves). This result should have surprising application on understanding inseparable maps in algebraic geometry.
报告人简介:付佳奇2021年毕业于必赢437官方网站,目前在法国Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse,Université Paul Sabatier攻读博士学位,他的研究方向为代数几何与代数拓扑之间的关联,特别是正特征导出几何。